First we should install the certbot tool that will facilitate this process: brew services stop httpd Now you have a valid host that is accessible from the internet, we need to generate a valid LetsEncrypt SSL certificate. You will need to replace this with your own hostname Let's Encrypt + Certbot Throughout this guide I use as an example host. You have successfully configured remote access, but now you want to get SSL working. You have tested this and you can confirm that when you browse to on your phone, you are indeed seeing the webserver of your internal network. I already own this one, you need to use your own!), and you have configured the host to be port-forwarded to your local development machine. Let's assume you have registered the domain (p.s. A quick way to test if you have things setup is to try reaching host via your phone or some other device that is not on your internal network. I'll leave this process up to you as it might require some Googling to get the this process setup depending all the factors listed above. Make and model of your router which will need to be setup to configure port forwarding.The actual external IP address of your internet connection.Type of internet connection be it static or dynamic IP address.DNS services used which could be the same as the registrar, or another provider such as CloudFlare.Domain Registrar used to purchase your domain.This is a process that depends on several factors: Usually this consists of setting up a port forward for HTTP, HTTPS with ports 80 and 443 to the internal IP address of your computer.

You will probably also need to setup port forwarding so your external IP address is routed internally to your webserver. You should configure this so that a valid host is available to point to your local webserver. This does require that you have registered a domain name with a company such as Hover, GoDaddy, Network Solutions, etc. This used to be a pain and cost money for a valid SSL certificate, but thankfully we now have Let's Encrypt, a non-profit Certificate Authority that provides certificates to 225 million websites! In order to get SSL setup and running properly four our Homebrew-powered Apache setup, we need to first create an SSL Certificate. If you are a beginner developer, you will be better served using MAMP or MAMP Pro. This guide is intended for experienced web developers.