If the location is in an enclosed area, hopefully the AirPods were just misplaced.

If you were able to obtain the last known location of your AirPos, you can search from there. Is There Still A Chance to Find Lost AirPods That Are Dead and Offline? If this happens, if you check your AirPods on the Find My app, it will no longer display location information. Once your AirPods have been lost for a prolonged period, the Find My app will show an offline message saying so. But if someone gets them before you do, then there’s a slight chance that you may be able to find them again. If you’re lucky and no one has taken your AirPods, you can still locate them if they are within Bluetooth range and if there’s still some battery charge left. Check the battery level and last known location of your AirPods.Tap the Devices tab, then tap the name of your AirPods.Follow the steps below to use the Find My app to learn the last location of your AirPods.